elected Vice-President of the International Academy of Constitutional Law
Nadia Bernoussi, professor of constitutional law at the ENA Rabat was elected vice president of the International Academy of Constitutional Law July 9, 2004 in Tunis.
At this important scientific meeting, Professor Nadia Bernoussi already a member of the Scientific Committee of that institution for four years, joins the presidency which sit beside the president Abdelfattah Amor (Tunisia) Vice Presidents Baldwin (Canada), F. Delpérée (Belgium) Glele (Benin), A. Mahiou (Algeria) and H. Roussillon (France).
For twenty years, the International Academy of Constitutional Law organizes the annual sessions were held during which the roundtables, inaugural lectures by prominent academics and senior policy internationally and courses for listeners (graduate students or staff) from around the world.
Professor Bernoussi opened the session whose theme this year focuses on "the principle of equality" with a lecture on the principle of equality before the constitutional courts. After introducing the principle of equality in a terminological clarification approach, Professor Bernoussi assessed the attitudes of various constitutional courts against the principle of equality both in traditionally democratic regimes or in countries developing institutional. The speaker has
tried to show how the control exercised by these various constitutional courts may be strict and severe especially in the field of elections or a criminal, more fluid and flexible in the economic, social and financial, and even modern or sophisticated to match the selection and evolution of societies in some states by the so-called positive discrimination or affirmative action.
On this last point, the debate within the academy focused on the contribution of Morocco in the field of political representation by the issue of women's national list in the last elections. We must believe that the Moroccan experience in this regard has made its way among the countries because of institutional development such as Algeria and now think looks the same option.Par Furthermore, it should be recalled that during the Assizes held in January 2004 in Santiago, Chile by the International Association of Constitutional Law, another forum for reflection, research and dissemination of knowledge of constitutional law, Professor Bernoussi has already distinguished himself by securing for his country also a serves on the Executive Committee of that institution, becoming the first Arab woman to accessing such a distinction in this scientific search space.
Bernoussi Nadia, wife and theorist of politics: It is the soul of discretion, a political theorist, analyst sensitive and subtle. Mother of a child, a professor at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration, Rabat, Nadia Bernoussi Idrissi KAITOUNI wife, former Secretary General of Parliament, has a rich and varied scientific career. Political science and constitution are its chosen fields. Ph.D. in public law in 1998, it submitted a theme in Rabat on "the constitutional review in the Maghreb (tentative interpretation of the actions of oversight bodies in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia). Professor Bernoussi has indeed chosen, since the bachelor's, specialty, long dominated by men. It was prepared in 1979 a degree in political science at the Faculty of Legal, economic and social, in Rabat has been, for the soil where it was nurtured by Nadia Bernoussi love for politics. A love that has led the professor to prepare, between 1980 and 1982, when he obtained his DEA in public law, his first CES in political science and also his second THESE administrative sciences. And it was in 1985, Nadia Bernoussi argued, in Montpellier, his thesis 3rd cycle doctorate in public law under the theme "The Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Chamber Moroccan e".
Study years Ms. Bernoussi were all marked with diligence and hard search: and "very good" was a statement that it has always pick that appears on all diplomas. She is on the pediment of his career as a blason.Evidemment after a long school career crowned by many degrees, and especially with an incomparable love for political science, Nadia Bernoussi imposes its mark on the national and international faculty. Her students show him affection and admiration. Once Professor in 1984 at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration, she has demonstrated its expertise in providing young students, the first and second cycles, the precious teaching of constitutional law and political institutions. Students graduate university, were also fortunate to have Ms. Bernoussi as a teacher who monitors their tutorials in administrative science, major utilities and local government.
From the 90s, specifically since 1999, she was selected from teachers who have been entrusted the formation of the two cycles, normal and special at the School of Development Staff Department of the Interior of Kenitra. Bernoussi Nadia has always been to welcome the great schools, institutes, government departments and to train professionals and develop. Her reputation preceded her. Ell of constitutional law has made one of his passions and taught his students how to love. At the Court of Auditors, between 1997 and 2002, she trained judges alternates. The Department of the Interior, she has lectured to inspectors of the territorial administration in 1994. Eight years later, in September 2002, Nadia Bernoussi took over the management development cycle of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and privatization.
A whole generation of young constitutional scholars remain indebted to him. Higher Institute of Directors had to wait until 2004 to accommodate the eminent professor, for a simulation on the legislative procedure in Maroc.Durant all these years of research and teaching, Nadia kept the Bernoussi good contact with the media. Dozens of editions, several interviews and hundreds of conferences testify in favor of the "grande dame of Political Science." This constant contact and every effort she provided in support of science and its students, did not prevent Nadia Bernoussi to join an active community life and to integrate research groups.
Before Coordinator in Morocco of the UNESCO Chair on training professionals for sustainable development, scientific coordinator of the sector "Law and Public Management" at the ENA (since September 2001), a member of the Scientific Council of the Moroccan magazine Local Government and Development (REMALD Ms. Bernoussi was a founding member and vice president of the Moroccan Association of Constitutional Law, since 1994, founding member of the Moroccan Association of Political Science, since 1995, member of the International Association of Constitutional Law (1999) and member French Association of Constitutionalists, since 2001. She is also a member of the Council of Scientific Development of the ENA
... The list is so long that we can not quote it in full. Nadia Bernoussi is a living source of knowledge. In its field, political science, she gives her best to enrich the same constitutional right. The tribute comes from her peers go to Tunis is the measure of its irreducible commitment to the promotion of political science and law in general. A Celebration of Women Emeritus.
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