Ouhelli: HM King chose the rule of law and democracy as a strategic choice for Morocco A Moroccan
HM King Mohammed VI, "who is personally involved in legal advocacy and women's political rights and economic, social and cultural rights of disadvantaged groups in Morocco has opted for the rule of law and democracy as a strategic choice for Morocco, "said Hammou Ouhelli member Consultative Council of Human Rights (CCHR).
Speaking on behalf of CCHD before the 56-th session of the Sub-Commission on the UN for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Mr Ouhelli said the Sovereign, in his first speech from the throne , confirmed his commitment to the irreversible democratization of Morocco and the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, power and announced the day after the terrorist attacks in Casablanca that the fight against terrorism must be transparent and respect of human rights, according to state news droit.Un mission standing of the Kingdom to Geneva, received Wednesday at the MAP, said that Mr. Ouhelli recalled that HM the King on the proposal of CCHR, established almost a year ago, the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) to shed light the serious violations of human rights in the past and repair the harm to victims or their having droits.Cette Forum whose task is to reconcile Moroccans with their history, "is a textbook case welcomed by virtually all agencies concerned," he said. In a new statute, the CCHR has seen its prerogatives extended and shall, inter alia, to prepare an annual report on the situation of human rights in Morocco, Mr. Ouhelli recalled, adding that this report was presented for the first time, the Sovereign plus another report on prisons, in which advances in the field have been objectively value and violations identified in the wake of the anti-terrorist as well as issues of concern to communities of human rights, clearly soulignés.Moins two months after the publication of this report, the government responded with a series of measures, Ouhelli said, noting that the government has launched investigations into complaints of torture with CCHD s' is echoed and provided information and clarification on the status, responsibilities and limits of intelligence and presented a draft law criminalizing torture.Le government also declared the lifting of the reservations previously made about Convention on the fight against torture in accordance with the recommendations of the Consultative Council and those of the UN committee to fight against Torture and appointed a high level committee to coordinate with the CCHR and respond in real time overruns in the field of human rights, he ajouté.Rappelant the CCHR was established in 1990 by the late King Hassan II as a national institution for independent and pluralistic advise Her Majesty on Human Rights, Mr. Ouhelli said this initiative was followed by the establishment of the independent compensation of victims of serious human rights Human experienced by Morocco in the passé.La defense and promotion of human rights is a difficult task and work requiring continuous dialogue among stakeholders, he said, noting that the CCHR plays the role "hyphen, sentry and guard in strict compliance with the law", benefiting from favorable number of advantages, including an active civil society and independent, and demanding a free press and government attention to human rights, "he concluded.
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