The CNIID we moved to decipher the issues behind the vocabulary of waste: Waste
Name masc. (To deprive) Syn.: Junk, rubbish
Definition of the Environmental Code : any residue of a process of production, processing or use any substance, material, product, or more generally any movable property abandoned or that the holder intends to abandon.
Become a waste is the potential fate of any object or substance, for example: toxic, vegetable peelings, an aircraft carrier, bottle, etc..
A waste is a "trick" that its owner no longer wanted and that he "put aside" because he believes he no longer needed. The bin is thus the realization of the futility, more or less consistently, in different societies. In France, the futility and waste of resources weigh about 400 kg per year per capita. What is thrown is the end of a production process that has itself generated upstream of tons of waste ...
wastes are unloved and thus usually sent far from where they were dumped. But to no avail: it was nice to remove them, burying them underground or to burn them in ovens, they always remember us through various pollution but also by high bills .
The municipal waste management costs in effect a little over $ 4 billion per year to households. Invoice that we deal with tax or fee obediently .
The waste is therefore an undesirable gold ... today it is coveted by some, as it has become a source of profit on a global scale. Globalization has this magic that even the contents of dustbins traded markets more or less legal around the world. Even the mafia invest in this sector, sufficiently lucrative and far less risky than drug or human trafficking.
So we live in a society where waste continues to grow and to fuel profits of some firms, including major villains, who are building their empire on a pile of garbage, which benefits, as the saying goes, a captive market.
Waste, as explained by Veolia, has become a resource. But for whom and at what price?
Talk Greenwash : N om fem. - Anglicism, literally "green washing"-t. "Eco-laundering"
do not say "The best waste is not produced," but said "the best waste is one that allows me to do business."
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