Meeting of Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - The tai chi at less advanced than his own - in principle - are the opportunity to realize that we are not so advanced that it eventually. In reality we do not hear the same things, maybe because they think they are not destined us ...
Jean-Michel Chomet, Professor, has outdone himself this morning with explanations on the topic of reverse breathing.
What is reverse breathing?
is natural breathing effort, one that the body uses when he instinctively wants to jump in the air or push a heavy object, it does not control the head. "It is .
What it recognizes it?
In martial arts, the effect is dramatic. If the opponent pushes with one finger in the palm of the other partner who pushed breathes so uproot the opponent by the feet, then with normal breathing its thrust acts on the upper body of other. The proof is illuminating. Jean-Michel Chomet produces a rolling sound very special when he uses it to show it to his students.
The practitioner who breathes in reverse in conscience feels inside, an internal pressure that supports the belt and down.
The umbrella, the umbrella, the bellows If
Taking the image of the umbrella-shaped diaphragm to deploy, owes nothing to obstruct the upper body, hence the importance of knowing the arms free, and have softened his chest ... all the preparatory work of the early years of practice serves to unwind and relax even the whole body, while keeping attention mobilized, all senses alert.
movement triggers it requires a multi-dimensional thinking in three dimensions: top-down, left and right, front to back.
A movement initiation by four triggers spontaneous natural used: located behind the head (occipital) in the lower back for pumping Cranial-sacral (top down) and associated with open blades (left-right) and a downturn in the groin. "The vacuum created by the opening action in two opposite directions leads to an air suction ( monthly Generation Tao No. 43 - February 2007).
Point Technical
In normal breathing, air provided by the inspired and expired air does not meet. One after another. In the reverse
breathing during the inhalation, two breaths (outside and inside) and merge it with the exhaled breath as the two separate. This produces a leakage channel. "The blasts penetrate the central energy channel leading to an experience of peace and happiness" (No. 43 of Generation Tao )
The Taoist masters and Tibetan describe it as a practice of youth for sustain life and restore, in part, vitality because " blast outside to nourish the inner breath that otherwise dry up gradually through our activities ... " (magazine Tao generation No. 43 - February 2007 ). In the Six Yogas of Naropa, she was named Tsalung ("TSA" means channels, "lung" breath). It is practiced in the Japanese form of Chan Chinese, Zen .
But it is dangerous to health if we try to do so clumsy with a particular body relaxed enough, then it can eventually block the solar plexus and throat.
All this may seem very complicated, while jumping in the air it easier when you have two legs and a bit of vitality and ... if this helps a bit younger. Try !
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