I heard that Protestants and Catholics can discuss endlessly the virginity of Mary, Jesus' mother and wife of Joseph the carpenter. Catholics preach perpetual virginity and in 1563 after the Council of Trent the Church goes so far as to prohibit the representation of such an image. The Protestant celebrate any religion that does this woman refers to the biblical text which portrays Mary as the wife of Joseph and discusses four other children, which implies, without being a great soothsayer, that ... eel has been back in the rock. And Protestant churches reduced to the strictest sobriety, we find no representation of Mary.
But what of Jesus, the son of God, as human as a father Joseph, except by imagining a supernatural process by eliminating the womb of the Blessed Mary.
With playfulness, Daniel Coulomb (Workshop santons in Aubagne) makes a fitting tribute to this woman icon, presenting it in his coat as a mother, which sketched out the work of a biological process that is beyond us eternal - Life.
A big thank you to Carole and Chris Santon picked for the Christmas market in Colmar and that makes me happy!
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