74 - The Conquest of Tunis by the Turks (part 2)
The fleet first presented to Bizerte, and received the warmest welcome, the people even offered to Admiral to join him to cooperate for the success of the company, but declined their proposal Barbarossa and hurried back to sea, confident that in all circumstances the success of a project still depends on how quickly they bring to the perform.
The day after his departure from Bizerte, Barbarossa cast anchor off La Goulette. Barbarossa's troops consist of 1,800 Janissaries, 6500 Greeks and 600 Turks and Albanians renegades, most Spaniards. As for the fleet, she was strong of 84 galleys, but six were returned to Constantinople, ten others were sent to Algiers, Bone and fifteen to fifteen Bizerte; first Barbarossa, eighteen have been disarmed, so that only twenty, with seven large vessels brought from the island of Djerba by Sinan, take the sea and cross in front of La Goulette.
Immediately, the rumor spread in Tunis that the Prince Rachid "the son of the Negress" was on board the squadron, and that the intention of the Ottoman Porte was to restore the throne of his father , criminally usurped by Moulay Hassan. This noise, skillfully propagated by agents of Barbarossa, soon assumed the consistency of a new official and produced a great effect on the minds of the population already tired of the existing government. She took up arms, rushed to the palace of Moulay Hassan, drove him out of town and sent on a deputation to Barbarossa, to offer its bid and ask him to invite Rachel to come and take possession of supreme power.
Moulay Hassan picked up all its treasures, and taking with him his wife, his children and his most trusty servants, he retired the side in the middle of Jarîd Arabs.
Barbarossa, pleased with the success of his trick, leads arrives August 16, 1534, in haste the 9,000 troops he had brought with him, drives them to Tunis, where he quickly crosses the suburbs and short seize the Kasbah, where he becomes stronger.
However, impatience won the townspeople, and they suspect this betrayal, stir, gather and loudly demanded their new sovereign.
Barbarossa decided, he announces to the city that The Blessed Hafs have ceased to reign, and that it is no longer with them, but the delegate of the Porte that they must obey, and which he represents.
Realizing that they were played, Tunisians secretly sent word that he could return Moulay Hassan, and all they would meet him to help hunt Turks.
August 18 1534 Barbarossa appeared early in the morning, before the gate of Al-Jazeera with 4.500 men at the same time, Moulay Hassan was coming in the opposite suburb, followed by 4,000 Arab horsemen. The Tunisians had taken up arms and tumultuously assembled, calling loudly for the king, but the Arabs would not support further Moulay Hassan, and stopped in the suburbs. The king entered alone in the city where the Turks had just entered through another door.
Throughout the day, they fought in the streets. First, people had the advantage. Many Turks were isolated massacred, and others driven into the citadel that Tunisians thronged from all sides. The next day, Barbarossa ordered a re-release: 1800 renegade Janissaries and rushed into the city, their muskets and Tunisians did wonders fled in disorder. Continuing their victory through the streets, the Turks entered the houses and killed all those inside: 3000 Tunisians, men, women and children perished in this sad day and 600 were injured as the Turks their losses are much below.
Finally, the people submitted themselves to Barbarossa and recognized him as king. During that this was happening in the city, outside Moulay Hassan, who joined the Arabs, was in great danger. Seeing that the Turks were the strongest, his savage auxiliaries wanted to deliver the Barbarossa, and it was not without difficulty that Moulay Hassan managed to escape.
deposed Sultan had more resources than among Arabs, and they, indeed, were very numerous and powerful. Khaireddine then tried to lure them to his party by appealing to their greed and avarice.
He wrote to the principal Sheikhs of Drid and Nememchas, sending them hooded, sheets and present, and that of them who could seize the Sultan El-Hafsi and bring him, would receive a reward of thirty thousand ducats, while on the contrary that would protect his escape, he would incur further outrage would suffer his vengeance.
The Arabs replied that the Sultans of the family of Beni Hafs were wont to give them every year since time immemorial subsidies agreed cash and food, and if Khaireddine wanted to undergo the same purposes, they would switch to its service .
Khaireddine, satisfied with this opening, they did say that he was willing to pay them royalties set for them, provided, however, they would not do no wrong in his subjects, and they make their camps on the edges of the Sahara or in the plains far from towns. Accordingly, he invited him to bring their records to take note of what he was up to each of them annually, and to ensure that they received and what could be their duty even for the current year, for the Arabs take great care to preserve the authentic documents which state their rights and privileges, and keep an accurate account of payments made to or by the government, at the times determined by usage.
Arab sheiks began to demonstrate their goodwill by withdrawing Djérid in and they sent their records to Khaireddine. The Pasha made the observation when they had nothing more to expect the government for the current year, and he assured them that next spring they would only stand to receive their Awayed (right and of the custom).
In addition, and to instill more confidence, he sent each of the Arab sheiks who had rights to the benefits of government, a teskere (ticket) sealed with his seal, and specifying the sum due to him, with the Order of payment. This generosity on his part favorably disposed the minds of Arabs and put them in his interests.
So this was a return to political power in its wake the Arab tribes (Drid and Nememchas) who still held in Moulay Hassan. Other tribes imitated their example, and also received generous gifts.
continued ...
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