To understand what Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras, it should first be recalled that differs from a legal point of view of the national parks regional parks. National parks were established by the Act of July 20, 1960. Their purpose is to protect the fauna and flora in areas depopulated, either as a result of rural exodus, either because of difficulties of terrain and the hostile elements. It is a kind of repository of natural heritage. All construction is prohibited, and men are only admitted provisionally and as visitors, have to follow strict rules and binding.
Regional parks were created, not by law but by a decree and later. The decree of March 1, 1967. Their purpose is different. Their purpose is not to eliminate any human presence, but to maintain human life in areas suffering from depopulation. This can be done only if new and different activities, including tourism, grow. In other words, in the minds of legislators, regional parks are not the ultimate end of nature and nature alone, but the maintenance men in a nature preserved and maintained.
It soon became clear to members of SIVM (Syndicat intercommunal à vocation multiple) established in 1966 by Philippe Lamour that Queyras perfectly met the conditions set by the decree of 1967 that he had become a Regional Natural Park and its future was through the creation of this institution. As it is written in No. 1 of the journal Le Courrier du Queyras : "The Queyras is already, in fact, a natural park. This is the land of forests, abundant water, grassland that was covered with a carpet with floral beauty is legendary. This is the land of villages and hamlets grouped around the cottages and Fust dryer, inhabited by a population with strong arms and open-minded, friendly and courageous "(quoted by General William The Queyras, p 181).
The question of the establishment of the park has been studied since 1970. A dual purpose has become: to obtain the agreement of Commons and respect traditional values. In June 1973, was drafted the charter of the Park in 1977, the Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur has created the Regional Natural Park of Queyras. The twentieth anniversary was celebrated in 1997, the thirtieth in 2007, and on these occasions, a new charter was developed, not without difficulties, since it seems that politicians opposed it. The organization is managed by a Joint Union and its action is supported by an Association of Friends of the Park of Queyras founded in 1979. The journal Le Courrier du Queyras currently dormant and appeared twice a year, promotes projects and achievements of the park and campaigns for the defense of the mountain (protection of flora and fauna, protests cons to lay them by helicopter, etc.)..
The highlight of the park is to entrust the development to the people of Queyras itself or its representatives elected. Tangible results were achieved: the high tourist places are clean, garbage dumps were closed; ecological trails have been built; planning regulations require them to adhere to a style in new construction or renovations, fauna and flora are protected. Unfortunately, these results are not always up to the hopes that its founders had set. It is not the means are lacking. While the subsidies are not very important and the Park's resources are scarce.
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