Jews, slaves of the letter, blindly obey all the requirements of the holy books and have a horror of innovations and make a point honor to imitate their fathers in all things.
Celebrations occasioned by marriage, give rise to a host of ceremonies childish indecent, weird, but back to the time of David and Solomon. The men most serious and most parsimonious suddenly become a joy and a gift too.
These are just dancing and feasting. Are removed from their hiding all the jewels, all the pearls, all diamonds, all sequins, all fabrics, we have sometimes for centuries, and which make up the family fortune, and plated with complacency the eyes of the guests.
Admittedly these crazy not being committed at night and in the uppermost part of the house. But the stranger who arrives preceded by a reputable and somewhat protected, can be a part of all these pleasures and contemplate all this magnificence.
Ignorance breeds superstition, so they almost all believe in evil spirits, the Jinns and sorcerers. They also all sorts of prejudices and habits of the most extraordinary. During storms, they never fail to open the windows, because the Messiah has come among them in the midst of thunder and lightning.
When a man died in a house once all the wells and tanks are all sealed, lest the angel who has just cut the thread of life don not to wash his bloody iron stain and the water that would death.
Besides Jews are afraid of the dead. The presence of a corpse in a house brings bad luck and infects. Also burials are they often do with guilty haste.
Jews, not to initiate their secular mysteries and especially fear of accusations, do as servants of their religion, they also have their doctors. An Arab physician or Christian does not the bed of a Jewish patient, Among those doctors who are forced to give any proof of their science, are more than vile and infamous charlatans.
Others are educated and follow the traditions of the old Moorish medicine. In any case, the business is unprofitable.
Jews only eat meat killed and prepared according to Biblical requirements. Pork is repulsed by them with contempt, with horror. As Muslims are not doing more cases, it follows that this animal is so valuable to farmers French, so sought after by gourmets Europeans, is unknown in Tunisia. The wild boar which abounds in the forests of Mohammedia, sold to Christians markets with five or sis in the book.
The type of the Jews is the same everywhere, but more pronounced in Africa than in Europe, because there was less mixing they have not yet hooked this appendix, which is the hallmark of Europe's Jews, "Naso del Papagallo", theirs is right instead, and the arcade dwarfs very developed.
Men in general are very ugly, too hot in this climate, this forced overcrowding breeds, it was bastardized. More of those great Jews say that beautiful cut in a print Bible. Some of those we encounter, very old and very young, pot-bellied, hairy ears, legs apart and dry as cudgels, still facies bone, piercing eye, the gesture appears sober or the energetic Expression of the race. But this is the exception.
Most have the look effeminate with their cheeks shaded carmine, brown their pants stretched tight on the bottom and blue jacket size drawing.
But children are delightful and very beautiful women. These are remarkable for a matte dazzling black hair very long and abundant, pure and regular features, and a wonderful complexion. Sometimes only the lines of the face are too harsh, too arched nose and chin too prominent.
In Tunis, we should not consider entering or among the Arabs, nor among the Moors. The Israelites, however, willingly open their homes cluttered Children of all ages, because the Jewish wife is very prolific, and leave without ways admire their offspring.
Girls, until sixteen or seventeen years, are delicious, nicer than nice, but an undeniable freshness. Mothers are dirty, however, like pots overflowing with lard, fat, fat, plump, corpulent phenomenal, overabundant flesh bloated and flabby. The Jews of Tunis, Paul Arena called "gelatinous masses, encrusted with gold, the rest are famous in this respect.
The Moors, though to a lesser extent, follow in their footsteps, but as they rarely leave, it is more difficult to speak. Do not believe a natural phenomenon or a disease. This extreme overweight, highly sought husbands, is artificial, and there to get a recipe. It fattens the women here, as is done in Poitou geese to have crystallized.

This food consists mostly of pellets should be swallowed without chewing it and where care was taken to enclose some seeds from countries that have the ability to thicken the blood and couscous, semolina cakes, meatballs grease soaked in oil.
He also gives soporific drink, so that despite the lack of exercise, she sleeps all night and part of the day. After forty days of this regime, we just present the jewelry filed by her future husband present in her wedding gifts, and if she can wear them without risking losing them, she released from prison and returns to his family.
We will sometimes put up rings, gauges that should have his arms and legs. It then starts to complete satisfaction: Die if you want, but fat. The resulting BMI is not lost.
Note that the woman who wears necklaces, bracelets and rings the larger is supposed to the most beautiful, and puts on her vanity to find all the jewelry is too narrow.
legs become poles, ridges hippo hips, breasts of foam balls, throat huge goiter. Women no longer a woman, but also embarrassed by its overflow. Without doubt, these extents have secret charms.
This custom may seem strange: a matter of temperament! In France, we weigh the dowry here, the woman weighed. In one case as in the other, the heaviest wins. What is more irrational?
continued ...
- Tunis in the 19th Century (part 2): Marginality and Social Change - Abdelhamid Larguèche
- Algeria and Tunisia - Alfred Baraudon
- History of North Africa (Barbary) - Since the ancient times until the French conquest - Ernest MERCIER
Description - Northern Africa - El Bakri
- Ancient History of North Africa - Stéphane Gsell
- History of French institutions and trade in Africa's Barbary (1560-1793) (Algeria, Tunisia , Tripoli, Morocco) - Paul Masson
- Tunis, Description of the Regency - Dr. Louis Frank
- Tunisia - Albert of Berge
- Europeans in Tunis in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries - Ahmed Saad
- the other through The French newspaper Tunisia - Hassan El-Annabi
- Payment or annexation - For crossing paths of Tunisian history - Daniel Goldstein
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