See Article Neff (Felix)
About Queyrassins Protestantism, some questions remain unanswered, it is possible to exhibit, but it must be easy to decide. Queyras Why did he become a Protestant? The question should be posed to the extent that the factors that led to the Reformation in Europe, namely the wealth of the Church, the corruption of some of the clergy, forgetting the Gospel message, were less widespread than elsewhere in the Queyras.
The development of Protestantism, it seems, was prepared by the Waldensian heretics who spread in the Dauphine and settled in the Piedmont valleys contiguous shelter and Ristolas. The Waldensians who were also called the poor of Lyons were supporters of Peter Valdes or Waldo, hence their name is drawn. As they thought that the laity could administer themselves communities, they refused to obey the clergy. Heretics, they were hunted down. According to Jean Tivollier, archives dating from 1339 attest that "few of the Queyras Waldenses were arrested and confined in the castle of Briançon ( The Queyras, Volume II, p 369).
Queyrassins How have they joined the Reformation? Historians believe that the majority of the population has joined the new religion. In 1660, at Abriès, whose population reached nearly 1800 people, Catholics represented only fifteen families, or about 75 to 100 people (less than 10% of the population). Other villages were Protestants and 80%. Only hamlets Corner, Common Molines, and Shoes, municipality of Château-Queyras, remained in full Catholics and Ceillac, part of 1'Embrunais.
what extent membership in the new cult was it the fact of free will of the people? The question must be asked. Recall that the Protestant troops were superior in number and they occupied the valley. In these circumstances it is easy to put pressure on reluctant and lukewarm. Four centuries after the events, it is impossible to probe the hearts and minds in deciding whether Queyrassins have switched voluntarily or not the Reformation. Became Protestant, the valley has been divided into three parishes Arvieux, Molines and shelter. It is little less than when it is returned Catholic. Was it due to lack of pastors or churches, or the desire to bring the faithful to better control them?
What else does Protestantism? In the eighteenth century, some Protestants, who had not fled abroad or who had not abjured, continued to celebrate their faith clandestinely in the hamlets of the commune of shelter and in the valley and Molines Arvieux . Like other Protestants of the kingdom, they practiced what is called the cult of the desert in a clearing in a meadow or withdrawn. Two years before the Revolution, in 1787, freedom of worship was restored, a Reformed congregation was reconstituted in Arvieux, with annexes in Saint-Veran and Fontgillarde. But in the valley of the Guil, to Ristolas, shelter, Needles, Old Town, it seems clear that Protestantism who was triumphant for over a century has disappeared. In every valley of Queyras, were erected everywhere small religious buildings, often very moving, such as crosses, shrines, chapels, which are the visible signs of Catholicism victorious. The question that arises is: the innumerable small buildings are they signs of a true faith, free and serene? Or do they result from the willingness of authorities to strengthen, making it visible, a hesitant faith and erase any trace of deviation, whether Protestant or revolutionary?